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Belgium • Made in Belgium
Made in Belgium

Stephane Steeman Allo quoi tu veux? merci LP 1970
Simone Max Une soirée avec Simone Max LP 197?
Annie Cordy vol.02 LP 1978
Annie Cordy grand recital d'Annie Cordy LP 197?
Virgile Tich et la pilule LP 197?
Roger Kervyn de Mar Les fables de Pitje Schramouil 10 195?
The Machines Take me away LP 1987
André Burton pas le temps de ramasser les b LP 1980
Status Quo Two status quo LP 1976
Martine Peters, Oliv Mamémo LP 1980
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belgique proposed by Dominique
| Title | Artist Label Year
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Vacation, shopping, music & all you wanna know about Jamaica proposed by Peter
Le blog de l'émission de Radio Panik ...PANIK ROMM : Eklektik Muzik For Elektrik People proposed by Peter
Site de la soirée bruxelloise de rock indé et de pop moderne proposed by Peter
Fan of Telex proposed by Peter
Analog Pleasures is an independent party and event organisation offering qualitative,enjoyable and creative electronic music. proposed by Peter